My First Mother’s Day

This weekend I celebrated my first Mother’s Day. Well, technically this was my first Mother’s Day as a “human mom” and not just a “fur-mom”. (My dog friends will understand.) I’ve always celebrated Mother’s Day (and Father’s Day) with the fullest intentions of ensuring that my mom knew how loved she was and how thankful I was to have her as my mom, but I never fully understood what she’s gone through as a mother until I became one myself. It’s a lesson I think all children should learn at some point or another (but, no, I’m not saying everyone needs to procreate just to celebrate these two holidays).

11071667_10153235788989602_2774834097366942071_oI saw this on Facebook some time ago and saved it just for Mother’s Day. It makes me tear up as I read it, every single time (man I have gotten emotional since becoming a mom!).

This is so, so true in so many ways, and I’ve only experienced this for a little over three months. Being a mother is more than just being pregnant for nine months.

Things I’ve learned since becoming a mother myself:

  1. Everything can be washed, and if it can’t, it can be replaced.
  2. When you think you’re actually running on time, you’re not…start moving earlier!
  3. The best thing you can do for your child is to take care of yourself. If you’re sick, you can’t be 100 percent with it, so take care of yourself just as much as you take care of your child.
  4. Just like with my dogs, seeing her at the end of the day makes my day. Now that she’s smiling, to see her eyes light up when she sees me fills my heart with so much joy.
  5. If you think you’re too selfish to become a parent, think again. I thought I was, but all of that is thrown out the door when that little one enters your life. You will eat last (even my dogs and horses eat before I do), only get to shower if you can quickly squeeze one in, and their clothing needs come before yours. And, surprisingly, I’m OK with that.Mday2
  6. I now have a different perspective on that family eating out with a crying child, or the mother who looks frazzled while dealing with a child at the grocery. Before you gripe about how they’re child misbehave, or how dare they “ruin” your dinner out, take a moment to wonder if maybe they’re out to eat because they just want to get out of the house, or maybe that mother is a single mom doing it on her own. Have a little more patience and maybe offer to help, or compliment.
  7. Just a simple compliment can go a long way for an exhausted mom. Even if you’re not someone into kids, just asking your friend how they’re doing, or offering to meet for lunch (with or without offspring) means the world to them. A simple text to say hello and to check on them goes a long way, more than you’d ever know.
My mom's first Mother's Day as a grandMOTHER.

My mom’s first Mother’s Day as a grandMOTHER.

I am super proud of my baby girl, and it’s surprising how everyday I fall more and more in love with her.

Thank you, mom, for being the best mom a kid could ever ask for. Thank you for sacrificing your life so I could live mine. Thank you for “sharing” your bites with me, and thank you for putting up with me. And thank you, even moreso now, with the constant questions and complaints and just being an open ear and helping hand to offer any kind of assistance. I know I wouldn’t be who I am without you, or dad, and your strength and support. I just hope I’m half as much a great mom to Aubrey as you have been to me and Erin. I love you.

“A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty”

Good Reads: Running Mothers, Sharing Praise, Stress Eating

It has been a really long time since I’ve done some link loving, but I thought I’d share a couple of things that really made me stop, read, and contemplate, which is pretty hard for me to do lately.



Why She Runs: To Adapt to Mother Hood (Runners’ World): “Running, with its demands that I mentally focus and take care of my body, ultimately made my transition to motherhood easier. And becoming a parent improved my running, requiring that I make it a priority and get the most out of each workout in the limited time I had.” I’m a big supporter of being active to help your mental health. And as a new mother myself, I know that there are days I need to get my frustration out so I can be a better mom to Baby A&W. I cannot wait to get back into running training again!

You are Doing a Really Good Job (I Got a Dumpster Family): It’s sad, but there are times that really, I just want a pat on the back. The past few months have been rough, and sometimes I wonder if anyone even notices, but I continue to come into work, paste a smile on my face and try to clear my mind of the craziness that is my life. I now understand mothers a lot more than before I had my baby, and I believe that, yes, we do need to support each other and say, “You’re doing great.” No matter what it is.

Stop the Cycle of Stress Eating (Evolution by Ariana): Stress eating is one of my biggest vices, and lately I know that’s what has stifled me losing the remaining baby weight. The crazy mornings, boring workdays, and then the harried evenings with the baby mean it’s hard to eat healthy for me some times. And I know a lot of it is lack of willpower, but sometimes you just say “F– it” and shovel those animal crackers in your mouth as you prepare a bottle for your crying baby. It’s important to just take a moment and think for yourself–you want you be healthy not only for yourself, but for your baby.

Your turn: Share your favorite reads from the past couple of weeks!

Dear Aubrey-Happy 3 Months

(Month 1, Month 2) A-3Months Dear Aubrey, Three months have come and gone so quickly, yet it seems like you’ve been in my heart forever. Everyday I grow deeper in love with you, even on those trying days… You and I are starting to figure each other out and get a routine down. On days that mom works, we’re pretty rushed in the mornings, but I always take a few moments to enjoy the morning with you because you are such a delight in the mornings–hopefully you stay that way and don’t become a grouchy bear like you daddy is in the mornings. We’ll play and talk, you’ll smile and kick your feet a million miles a minute. You’re starting to sleep longer stretches at night, which lets mommy sleep a little longer, so we’re both happy.

Morning snuggles are the best

Morning snuggles are the best

You still love daycare, and I love that you love it. Your favorite toy is a piano you can play with your feet, so as a little “3-month-birthday gift” I found one for the house and you’ve been going to town on it ever since (even while mom needed to wash the car and trim the bushes in front of the house over the weekend).

Mommy can multi-task pretty well now.

Mommy can multi-task pretty well now.

Daddy was able to come home a couple times during April. You’ve recently discovered the television and you’re just infatuated with watching things like car racing, and horse racing (as I discovered on Derby Day). Your daddy’s excited that he actually might have someone to watch car racing with him. Whenever the races would go to commercial, you’d voice your disapproval, so we’d find another car race on TV. Daddy-race Your hair is getting longer, so it’s settled down and not as crazy right now. It’s still a lighter brown, so we’re not sure if it’ll stay that color or change. Your eyes are a dark blue/gray and can be so expressive and big! A-RaceCars You must be hitting a growth spurt right now, because you’re demanding more than your usual four ounce bottle when it comes to meals. We’re still doing half breastmilk and half formula, and you’re finally putting on weight–at a doctor’s appointment a few days before your 3-month birthday you weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces! You’re wearing all 0-3 clothes now (and size 1 diapers), and even some of your 0-3 pants are getting short. It’s a little sad to be putting away all your newborn clothes to sell–there was a time that I thought you’d never grow out of them! You’re really starting to get strong, already starting to hold yourself up on your elbows when we do tummy time (though you get tired of it after a while).

Baby Yoga

Baby Yoga

You met your great-grandmother on a trip to see your daddy’s family one day. She said seeing your photos helped keep her spirits up while recovering from a stroke, so you’re already an inspiration to someone (besides your momma, of course)! You’ve watched your first Kentucky Derby, visited friends at your first dog agility trial (but mom didn’t compete), and felt the grass on your feet for the first time. Firsts I’m excited for even more firsts to come this summer, and I look forward to sharing more of my world with you in hopes you’ll be the same horse-dog-workout-run-crazy girl like your momma. HappyMornings