Dear Aubrey – 1 Year


Dear Aubrey,

I never thought we’d get to this moment–celebrating your first birthday. And, then again, it feels like the year has gone by so quickly. One year ago we were waiting for your arrival, whether your momma was ready or not!

And just like your birth day (which was 8 days early), you have definitely done things your way this past year. You already have such a sense of self and want to do things your way in your time.

Your first birthday smash cake!

Your first birthday smash cake!

In this last month as a “baby” (though you’ll always be our Baby Girl), you’ve grown more proficient in your crawling, finally crawling more on your hands and knees than army crawling. You’re walking everywhere with everyone–you’ll grab our fingers and start walking, whether we were ready or not. You’re pulling yourself up on everything (including your crib), can get on your riding toys by yourself, and get off.

You’re eating three meals a day, plus a snack after your afternoon naps. You easily transitioned off the bottle to drinking your milk in your sippy cup. Yep, you’re transitioning off the formula onto all milk just fine. Your favorite foods include blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, red and green bell peppers, macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, broccoli, and black beans. You love foods with seasoning (like Mexican or Italian). You don’t like us trying to feed you, so we’re going to start trying to teach you to feed yourself things like applesauce (your favorite) and tomato soup.

Your naps haven’t been as consistent as in the past, but you’re still doing two naps a day (most days). You still have trouble sleeping through the night, and we don’t know if it’s because of teething, or what.

Fun times with daddy: Playing "boat" with a box from your Christmas presents.

Fun times with daddy: Playing “boat” with a box from your Christmas presents.

Speaking of teething, you now have two teeth! I didn’t think you’d ever have any teeth pop up, but they finally have.

No major holidays in January, you just spent the month playing with all your toys, reading tons of books (the ones with peekaboo flaps are your favorite), playing with the dogs, and following us everywhere in the house.

Everyday you go through your book baskets, find the books we've read, and then read them to yourself.

Everyday you go through your book baskets, find the books we’ve read, and then read them to yourself.

I’ll write a separate post about our entire year together, but it’s definitely been one full of many lessons, mostly sleepless nights, lots of smiles, a few tears, lots of laughs, and one remarkable little girl. You’ve definitely filled our lives with so much joy.

Sometimes the best presents are the ones we didn’t know we wanted…and I’m sure happy that I got you.

Giving Lark a kiss before we turn her out for the day. I hope you become a horsewoman like your momma.

Giving Lark a kiss before we turn her out for the day. I hope you become a horsewoman like your momma.

11 Months
10 Months
9 Months
8 Months
7 Months
6 Months
5 Months
4 Months
3 Months
2 Months
1 Month


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