Dear Aubrey – 10 Months!


Dear Aubrey,

You have definitely started to be your own little person, and I love it. You’re getting to be such a big, beautiful girl it fills my heart.

You’re now 10-months (I know, I’m more than a week late, but I had good reasons)! You’ve finally started army crawling all over the place, and you’re pretty quick about it, too. You’re getting close to being on your hands and knees, it’s any day now. And let’s talk about your walking–you’ve had a lot of fun walking around the house while you hold onto someone’s hands. You’ve got your little push-walker that you’ll push, too, but you definitely like standing more upright when you hold our fingers.

You experienced your first official snow. It had snowed after you were born, but you were too little to go outside in it. I don’t think you were too impressed with the big, wet snowflakes. It’s been a pretty warm December so far, but hopefully we’ll have more snow soon so you can play in it.


Mommy got a full-time job before you turned 10-months. She gets to work in the office three days a week and work from home two days, so that means you’re starting to be watched by other people. Grammy had knee and oral surgery and so did your Aunt, so “Aunt” Brooke stepped up and you’ve been spending the day with her, Kendall, and Claire. I think you’re really enjoying it because you are “talking” a lot more. You come home with funky hairstyles and little projects. Who would have thought a 10-month-old would have enough hair for pigtails?


You celebrated your first Thanksgiving. Your highchair was placed at the dinner table so you could eat with us and you enjoyed turkey, roasted sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and some bread. You loved it all! You even had a little of mommy’s pumpkin pie.


We’re preparing for your first Christmas and I’m very excited about it. I may or may have not taken you shopping on Black Friday with me to help pick out some of your presents, but I don’t think you’ll remember.

I’m excited for the months to come–Christmas, New Year’s, and your first birthday! I can’t believe we’re nearing one year now.

You make so many people smile and happy, it’s amazing to me. How can one little girl help turn tears and frustrations into smiles?
